键盘侠|老年詹姆斯比巅峰乔丹强 下一场老詹将狂砍89分打破纪录
[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers (24-28) defeat the New York Knicks (27-25), 129-123. [赛后贴]洛杉矶湖人队129-123战胜纽约尼克斯队 双方数据 尼克斯(27-25):布伦森37分6助攻、兰德尔23分12篮板5助攻、巴雷特13分、格莱姆斯12分4篮板3助攻、哈腾16分13篮板、奎克利19分3篮板8助攻、托平3分5篮板 湖人(24-28):詹姆斯28分10篮板11助攻、浓眉27分9篮板、威少17分6篮板8助攻3抢断、八村塁19分9篮板、布朗9分5篮板3助攻、布莱恩特9分、施罗德12分6助攻、克里斯蒂6分 [–]weekndalex 143 points 2 hours ago WE WON A GAME IN OT. TEARS IN MY EYES 球迷:湖人加时把球赢,我的眼里泪盈盈~555~ [–]brianbrainbrian 13 points 2 hours ago Lakers: Win in OT Me: Surprise pikachu face 球迷: 湖人:宝宝们,咱们通过加时赢球啦! 我:(皮卡丘震惊脸!)皮卡??皮卡皮??皮卡丘!!!! [–]thousandtokens 11 points 2 hours ago great win but still so nerve wracking till the last minute. 球迷:很棒的胜利,但整场比赛湖人一直在我的交感神经上走钢丝,蹂躏我直到比赛的最后一刻~ [–]Danny_III 9 points an hour ago Yeah big picture the Celtics loss wasn't that big of a deal. Gotta get these winnable games though, including the next 3 vs the Thunder, Pelicans without Zion, and Pacers 球迷:兄弟们把格局打开,输给绿军那场没啥大不了的。但是该赢的球一场都不能输!接下来的雷霆、缺胖虎的鹈鹕还有步行者,我!全!都!要! [–]EmoniBates 18 points an hour ago Russ played good but there were still times in OT and late fourth where Russ’s man would just play off him and double Bron / AD or make it a 2v3 in the pick and roll. Really hoping Ham doesn’t use him in the clutch going forward 球迷:威少这场打得不错,但依然看到有好几次,在加时赛和第四节,防威少的人直接把他放掉了,转而去包夹詹姆斯或浓眉,或者当詹眉打挡拆时,直接用3个人去包围他们两个。 真心希望哈姆以后不要在关键时刻用威少啦~ [–]alextwc 2 points 2 hours ago Russ can be useful just don’t play all 3 of them at the same time. The spacing is so bad 球迷:威少可以大有其用,就是别把他和詹眉放一起,场上空间太差啦~ [–]Extension-Button5274 25 points 2 hours ago Lebron having a bad game and still having a 28 point triple double and being +22 is insane. 球迷:又找到一个全新的角度理解詹姆斯的牛逼!表现如此“拉跨”,却依然不妨碍他拿下28分三双和+22的正负值! [–]witcher317 12 points 2 hours ago He always looks like a normal all-star after missing a game. When he gets going he’s back on that goat level shit again 球迷:老詹缺战一场回来,通常他都会用平平无奇的全明星模式划划水啦~但只要他一发力,一定就是那让对手屁滚尿流的模式,人称“史一人”模式! [–]Oni-Chan-Sama 2 points 2 hours ago Yep. that’s why you can never truly ‘neutralize’ LeBron, unlike how KD got neutralized by the celtics last year; if his shot isn’t falling, like tonight, then he can just pick your defense apart with his elite play making 球迷:这就是为什么老詹在场上很难被“兑子儿”,和杜兰特上赛季季后赛被绿军“兑子儿”形成鲜明对比的是,当老詹投篮不行时,他完全可以换个方法陪你玩儿,因为他会用那神乎其神的组织能力,玩弄并解开你的防守~ [–]JesusDaBeast 3 points 2 hours ago Shoutout Dennis cause without the half court 3 we don’t go to OT 球迷:施罗德牛逼!没有他的那记半场三分,我们也许还进不了加时呢~ [–]GunsNVodka24 2 points 2 hours ago Old lebron > prime Jordan. Fuck what anyone thinks 球迷:老年詹姆斯比巅峰乔丹强!我说完了,谁赞成,谁反对? [–]0824Soulmuzik22 2 points 2 hours ago Much needed win! But I was wondering abt the refs being able to review a goaltending call but not an obvious foul on LeBron's shot vs Boston 球迷:这场胜利太解渴了!但让我费解的是,今晚八村塁的盖帽裁判都会去看回放,那天为啥不回看詹姆斯被塔图姆这么明显的犯规呀?生气! [–]K19I53 1 point 3 hours ago Refs didn't fuck us this time...Yesssss. 球迷:只是因为裁判玩腻我们了,我们不再是小甜甜了~ [–]LAKESHOWWWWbrendanhahaha 1 point 3 hours ago My heart can’t take these games anymore lmaooo 球迷:我娇嫩的小心脏可再也经不起湖人这样蹂躏了~ [–]NBAYergason 153 points 5 hours ago Russ sonned Randle in OT so hard lol 球迷:加时赛上,威少像个父亲一样狠狠地教训自己的儿子兰德尔,告诉他谁才是粑粑。 [–]chrisbrits24 1 point 3 hours ago Julius Randle, a True Laker Legend. |
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