(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) NBA全明星正赛首发正式公布: 西部:詹姆斯(队长)、东契奇、库里、约基奇、锡安。 东部:字母哥(队长)、杜兰特、塔图姆、欧文、米切尔。 相关新闻:⭐️西部全明星首发:詹姆斯(C)、库里、约基奇、锡安、东契奇 相关新闻:⭐️东部全明星首发:字母哥(C)、KD、塔图姆、欧文、米切尔 [–]MumenriderPaulReed69 120 points 5 hours ago How the fuck did Embiid not make it 球迷:为什么恩比德不是全明星首发! [–]Wazflame 3073 points 6 hours ago Philly fans about to burn this shit down 球迷:费城球迷要气炸了! [–]Nuggetsoloshh 570 points 6 hours ago Not having Joel as a starter is an actual joke 掘金球迷:首发没大帝,确实如儿戏! [–]CelticsPepeSylvia11 36 points 5 hours ago Who are you taking out? 凯尔特人球迷:首发都不水,他能替掉谁? [–]RaptorsSquinklesquat 42 points 6 hours ago HARDEN ROBBED 猛龙球迷:没哈登也是不应该啊! [–]Rocketsjchandler4 8 points 4 hours ago Honestly Harden is a better PG than Kyrie on every level 火箭球迷:从任何一个层面选控卫,哈登都比欧文更好! 相关新闻:哈登获票详情:媒体投票仅得3票 球员&媒体均为东部后场第五 [–]CelticsDreTownblues 17 points an hour ago Why is this a surprise, he hasn’t been better than Mitchell, Brown or Kyrie. 凯尔特人球迷:这很意外吗?他就是不如米切尔,布朗和欧文。 [–]Rocketslogster2001 59 points an hour ago He’s not that harden but has 100% been better than Brown and Kyrie 火箭球迷:登哥比从前的自己是差了,但比布朗和欧文还是绰绰有余。 [–]NBAItsKBS[S] 42 points an hour ago People only care about ppg these days, especially the casuals. Somehow averaging 27 points and 5 assists is better than 22 points and 11 assists. 球迷:现在人们都只看场均得分了,尤其那些只看数据栏的兼职球迷。他们就觉得场均27分5助攻比场均22分11助攻厉害! [–]76ersMr_Booty_Bandit [score hidden] 38 minutes ago Luka/Jokic assists > Haliburton assists > Harden assists 76人球迷:毕竟,东契奇和约基奇的助攻>哈利伯顿的助攻>哈登的助攻。 [–]JAhoops 151 points 8 hours ago i wonder when he’d be picked 球迷:其实,我更想看他什么时候能被选走。 相关新闻:KD&欧文双双入选!篮网成联盟唯一一支两人入选全明星首发的球队 相关新闻:只有媒体不喜欢他!欧文球迷&球员投票均东部后场第一 媒体仅第四 [–]MavericksJagtasm 12 points 2 hours ago Media reaaaally hates Kyrie lol 独行侠球迷:媒体是真的不待见欧文! [–]CelticsFlyingMocko 312 points 6 hours ago Teams that’s 4th in the East gets 2 starters lmao 凯尔特人球迷:在东部战绩第四的球队居然有两位全明星首发,有点好笑! [–]KnicksDymatizeee 121 points 6 hours ago* In all fairness they were the 2 seed during this process and only fell cus KD is out 尼克斯球迷:客观来说,篮网是二号种子球队。只是KD打不了才掉下来的! [–]BucksRokaInari91547 28 points 5 hours ago Kyrie doesn't deserve it. He's not better than a ton of other eastern conference players. 雄鹿球迷:欧文不配全明星首发,东部比他好的球员太多了! [–]ClippersCarelessTaco[���] 1 point 6 hours ago People are saying he's undeserving. Well, that's fan-voting for ya. 快船球迷:人们都说他不配,可这也是人们投出来的啊! [–]xbarracuda95 3 points 4 hours ago Kyrie first in player votes as well, so his fellow players also don't know about it. 球迷:欧文在球员投票中也是第一,原来NBA球员们也不懂球啊! [–]CelticsLordHussyPants 24 points 5 hours ago jaylen - 26.9 / 7.1 / 3.3 in 43 games kyrie - 26.8 / 5.1 / 5.2 in 36 games basically exactly the same and brown has defence and a higher seed 凯尔特人球迷:杰伦-布朗出战43场,场均26.9分7.1篮板3.3助攻;欧文出战36场,场均26.8分5.1篮板5.2助攻。数据不相上下,布朗防守更好而且球队战绩更好。 [–]PrimoTest 10 points 5 hours ago All-star game is a popularity contest and Kyrie is much more popular than Brown. The criteria you seem to be referencing besides scoring (i.e: defense, availability) matter more for All-NBA 球迷:全明星看人气,欧文就是比布朗人气高啊!你参考的数据是用来评最佳阵容的! [–]ExcellentJuice4729 7 points 7 hours ago Get more popular, simple answer 球迷:打出高人气,首发就是你! 相关新闻:詹姆斯生涯第10次当选全明星票王 超越乔丹独占历史第一 [–]ValuableAssociate8 71 points 7 hours ago Then who is NBAs most accomplished player? 球迷:那就得问问,谁是NBA最成功的球员啊? [–]NBAkiminobukogure5 1 point 6 hours ago LeCaptain 球迷:十年高票王,队长勒布朗! [–]HeatHEATLE 31 points 7 hours ago LeBron is always going to be the captain as long as he’s in the league. 热火球迷:但使洛城詹皇在,不教票王落别家! [–]Low-Cable-9167 14 points 7 hours ago He’s still the Face of the NBA, we’re gonna be in 2030 and Warrior fans will still be complaining Steph isn’t a Captain 球迷:老詹还是NBA的门面!就是到了2030年,勇迷还是会抱怨为什么库里不是全明星队长! 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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