键盘侠|詹皇“恩准”八村交易组奇才队 库兹马躲家啜泣悄抹泪
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯) 据名记Shams报道,奇才送出八村塁,从湖人得到纳恩和三个次轮签。 [–]NBAScratchyCow 719 points 18 hours ago Russ, Rui, Thomas Bryant... The Lakers are just assembling the 2020 Wizards roster with LeBron instead of Beal. 球迷:湖人如今豪拥威少、八村塁、托布。。。他们正围绕詹姆斯建队!什么队?2020年奇才队!就是没有比尔哈。。。 [–]lazzysmalls 6269 points 19 hours ago Kyle Kuzma replacement after being replaced by Kyle Kuzma 爵士球迷:在奇才是库兹马的替补,来湖人是库兹马的替代品,悲哉,八村~ [–]PelicansLuckyWarrior 1913 points 19 hours ago Kuz is crying that he still has to be in DC 鹈鹕球迷:而库兹马此时正躲家中抹泪呜咽:“我TM在奇才啥时候是个头儿啊~” [–]DEEZLE13 3520 points 18 hours ago* Lakers have reset the Market, everyone is now worth relative to Kendrick Nunn and 2 seconds 球迷:湖人把市场搞乱了,现在是个人都值一个纳恩和2个次轮了。 [–]HawksAnon-Pumpkin 978 points 18 hours ago 3 seconds actually, don’t undersell my man Rui like that 老鹰球迷:是3个次轮签,不要这样贱卖我的八村桑~ [–]TimberwolvesAlexeyShved1 3228 points 19 hours ago Shams didn't even get the scoop, he just looked at trade machine and realized Nunn was the salary that made the most sense. 森林狼球迷:Shams压根不需要什么内幕消息,他玩了一把2K,模拟完这笔交易,转头就去发布新闻了。 [–]Bullsblue7999 1748 points 19 hours ago That's exactly what the Wizards probably did too 公牛球迷:搞不好奇才队也是拿游戏手柄操作这笔交易的。 [–]Overall-Palpitation6 147 points 16 hours ago The last couple of years, the Warriors apparently can't wait to trade away Klay and Draymond for peanuts in the 2K Trade Finder. 球迷:在最近几年在2K游戏里面,勇士队迫不及待想拿几斤花生米把克莱和追梦给换掉。 湖人完成交易后勇士球迷的心情 [–]Losov 4590 points 19 hours ago Good for Rui 球迷:这笔交易对八村塁来说是件好事。 [–]WizardsYungJester17 2950 points 19 hours ago Especially since he's back with Russ who was huge for him, finding him in his spots and getting him the ball. Wouldn't be shocked if Russ pushed for Rui to the Lakers 奇才球迷:嗯,特别是他现在和威少重聚了,威少能在场上找到并喂球给他。如果说是威少推动的这笔交易,我可一点也不惊讶。 美国网友想象中的八村塁和威少重新合体 [–]ClippersIMANORMIE22 744 points 19 hours ago Who saw this coming? 快船球迷:这笔交易之前谁能想得到哦? [–]76ersMorryD 1255 points 19 hours ago LeBron. 76人球迷:勒布朗 [–]tidho 331 points 15 hours ago Rui could have played for any team in the league, all LeBron had to do was pick up his phone. 球迷:敢问八村塁路在何方,且听勒布朗电话响。 [–]Lakersalmostansn 33 points 14 hours ago "Hey Bron what do you think of Ru-" "Yes" 球迷: “詹皇,您看要不要招募那个八。。。” “行啊!招!八什么都行,招!” [–]fonzarelli90 732 points 19 hours ago Russ-Rui-TBJ-TB. Wizards reunion tour |
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