[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Clippers (26-24) defeat the Los Angeles Lakers (22-26), 133-115. [赛后贴] 洛杉矶快船(26胜24负)133-115击败洛杉矶湖人 (22胜26负) 双方关键球员数据: 湖人(22-26):詹姆斯46分8板7助2断、布莱恩特15分7板、布朗7分3助、贝弗利3分2板4助、施罗德7分2板2断、威少17分5助2断、克里斯蒂5分2板、加布里埃尔8分6板、安德森4分 快船(26-24):乔治27分9板4助、莱昂纳德25分9板3助2断2帽、曼恩17分3板、雷吉19分3板5助、鲍威尔22分4板4助、小莫里斯5分、祖巴茨6分8板、巴图姆4分6板6助、考文顿8分4板3帽 shanmustafa 56 min. ago 46/8/7 with 0 turnovers to lose by 20 would make me commit crimes 球迷:如果我46+8+7且0失误,但是最终输了20分,那我真会犯罪的 RowBoatCop1 [LAC] 51 min. ago Singlehandedly brought it down to 10 points with 7 minutes left then Westbrook wanted his piece of the pie. 快船球迷:还剩7分钟时老詹把分差追到10分,然后威少开始搞事了 MY-NAME_IS_MY-NAME Lakers 56 min. ago If you could be arrested for being a terrible GM, I'd use this game tape as my evidence to lock this mfer Bob Pelinka up. This man has failed Lebron so bad. 湖人球迷:如果当不好总经理会被逮捕,那我就用今天的比赛录像当证据,我要把佩林卡这扑街铐起来,他太让老詹失望了 coolycooly Timberwolves 55 min. ago My personal favorite was after Lebron hit back to back threes and Schroeder and Westbrook turned the ball over on back to back possessions. 森林狼球迷:我最喜欢的一幕是老詹连续投进三分,然后施罗德和威少连续失误 urfaselol [NBA] Best of 2021 Winner 59 min. ago 10 games in a row for the Clippers against the Lakers 球迷:快船对湖人已经10连胜了 smashacc 59 min. ago Does Kawhi miss any midrange shots? He gets doubled so much and it still doesn't feel like enough 球迷:小卡的中距离有投丢吗?感觉他老被包夹,但那防守根本不够啊 Cfcla Clippers 58 min. ago Even when the Lakers went on that 8-0/10-0 run in the 4th, I saw Kawhi check back in and felt a calming presence. Superstar shit 快船球迷:即使湖人末节打出8-0或者10-0的小高潮,小卡一换上场我就立马镇定下来,这就是超巨 T_025 Lakers 56 min. ago Funny, I saw Westbrook check in and felt the opposite 湖人球迷:楼上的,我看到威少换上场我的心情与你完全相反 treemeista Thunder 58 min. ago Man, rough fourth quarter for Westbrook. 雷霆球迷:兄弟,威少末节打得太挣扎了 pineapplefood Thunder 59 min. ago there needs to be criminal investigations done in the lakers organization for asking a 38 year old man to carry them this hard. It’s honestly disrespectful 雷霆球迷:应该调查一下湖人内部了,让一个38岁的老头这样carry,太不尊重人了 depressionpostgrad Lakers 1 hr. ago all time great westbrick performance tonight, we are all witnesses 湖人球迷:今天是西铁历史级别的表演,大家都是见证者 kl1992 NBA 1 hr. ago Lakers lost this game in the first half. Clippers shot 15 of 23 from three in the first half and there was no coming back from that. 球迷:半场结束湖人就输了,快船上半场三分球23中15,这根本追不回来 KlassicLoL Clippers 56 min. ago Someone should tell LeBron he hasn’t score x amount of points against a team before every game and he’ll do it 快船球迷:每场比赛前都得有人告诉老詹他面对这支球队还没拿下多少分,这样他就会做到了 claydavisismyhero Lakers 59 min. ago lue outcoached ham badly. ham struggles with timeouts and lue ended the game by calling one 湖人球迷:卢的执教比哈姆强太多了,哈姆不知何时叫暂停,卢终结比赛时就叫了一个 stitcher212 48 min. ago If you swapped Bron and Kawhi straight up Bron would easily be in the MVP conversation. Give this man a real roster I am begging you rob. 球迷:你把老詹和小卡互换,老詹马上就是MVP候选人了,我求求你佩林卡,给老詹配个好阵容吧 whiskeyinthejaar Lakers 59 min. ago I can’t remember the last time we beat the clippers. It could be a year or 5 years ago; every game feels the same 湖人球迷:记不得上次击败快船是什么时候了,也许是1年或者5年前,每场比赛都是一样的感觉 Jakonedrom Clippers 1 hr. ago I hope we can play 15 games against tanking teams like Rockets, Spurs and Lakers. 快船球迷:真希望能和火箭、马刺、湖人这种摆烂球队打15次 _just2much_ Lakers 1 hr. ago No Rui doesn’t count i’m afraid 湖人球迷:八村还没上,这一场不算 theliver Clippers 58 min. ago I say " the clippers have dominated the Lakers for a decade", you say "bu bu bu bubble" 快船球迷:我说快船过去十年统治了湖人,你说湖人拿了园区冠军 Calm-Cry4253 Thunder 59 min. ago Rui Hachimura is not saving this lmao 雷霆球迷:八村救不了湖人,笑死我了 mikeydale007 58 min. ago I didn't watch the game, but I'm laughing at the box score. 0 assists for the starting point guard! 球迷:我没看比赛,但看到统计表我笑了,首发控卫(施罗德)居然0助攻 BBQCHICKENALERT Knicks 35 min. ago 46 8 and 7 IS THAT GOOD SKIP???? 0 TURNOVERS IS THAT GOOD SKEIIIEEEP??????? 9 OF 14 FROM THE THREE IS THAT GOOOODD SKEEIEIEIUEUEUEPPPPPP???????? 尼克斯球迷:Skip,46+8+7还行吗?0失误还行吗?三分14中9还行吗????? Low_Beyond8134 Lakers 1 hr. ago The Clippers play like they’re in the Finals every time they play the Lakers 湖人球迷:快船每回打湖人就跟打总决赛一样 Sonics-Foreskin Celtics 1 hr. ago Westbrook is a basketball terrorist 凯尔特人球迷:威少真是篮球恐怖分子 Curious_North_8479 53 min. ago Trade Westbrook's ass immediately 球迷:赶快把TM威少送走吧 WadeCountyClutch Lakers 47 min. ago I can’t get mad at Westbrook, blame pelinka :)How’s is tuscano Anderson on the team and not Melo? At least Melo can still shoot? Anderson can’t even basketball 湖人球迷:我不怪威少,怪佩林卡,为啥要安德森不要甜瓜,起码甜瓜还能投篮,安德森根本不会打球 UrsusMaritimus_ver_1 Lakers 57 min. ago If I were a LeBron fan, I would be so happy for his performance, regardless of the result. But since I am a Lakers fan (I like LeBron but I put the team over any player), I am so disappointed. 湖人球迷:如果我是詹蜜,不管什么结果我都会为老詹感到高兴,但我是湖蜜(我喜欢老詹,但我把球队放在球员前头),我很失望 来源:Reddit 编译:九五之猪 |
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