(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [Post Game Thread] The Brooklyn Nets (29-17) defeat the Golden State Warriors (23-24), 120-116. 【赛后贴】篮网客场(29胜17负)120-116战胜勇士(23胜24负)。 双方数据 篮网(29-17):欧文38分7篮板9助攻,克拉克斯顿24分15篮板3帽1断,西蒙斯7分11助攻3篮板,乔-哈里斯14分4篮板3助攻,奥尼尔16分6篮板2帽,赛斯-库里12分4助攻5失误,萨姆纳3分,沃伦4分2篮板,渡边雄太2分3篮板。 勇士(23-24):库里26分6篮板7助攻,迪文岑佐13分2篮板8助攻,克莱10分2篮板1助攻,维金斯4分2篮板,D-格林9分11篮板7助攻1断,普尔17分4篮板3助攻4断1帽,库明加20分3篮板,卢尼14分10篮板,杰罗姆3分2篮板。 [–]BullsLilScottWeb 203 points 48 minutes ago Klay Thompson is a terrorist. Awful shot after awful shot, what the fuck was that. 公牛球迷:克莱-汤普森就是个恐怖份子,接连糟糕的投篮,打得什么玩意儿! [–]Charlotte BobcatsNotManyBuses 58 points 45 minutes ago I think they could’ve just taken 24 second violations and they would’ve won the game, literally 黄蜂球迷:我觉得他们把24秒耗完不出手就能拿下比赛了,我认真的。 [–]RaptorsMolicOnePGR 13 points 43 minutes ago This is who he's always been, an inconsistent 2nd scoring option. 猛龙球迷:这就是克莱的常态,一位不稳定的第二得分选择。 [–]:gfl-1: Grand FloridianPopularParrot 50 points 48 minutes ago Never saw him turning into a low IQ shot chucker. He’s chasing his old self. 球迷:从未见过他选择如此低篮球智商的投篮,他又想找回当年的状态了。 [–]SupersonicsThe_Sneakiest_Fox [score hidden] 27 minutes ago Always has been. But they used to go in. 超音速球迷:一直这样,只不过过去能投进。 [–]Albiceleste_D10S 224 points 52 minutes ago Klay hilariously shot the Warriors out of the game in the 4Q 球迷:搞笑的是,克莱在第四节把比赛给投没了。 (阿杜亲自向你球队摆出输球Lose造型) [–]Rocketsxxapplej4ckx 93 points 51 minutes ago He was so clutch for the nets tonight 火箭球迷:他是篮网关键时刻获胜的功臣。 [–]WarriorsWarCuntSkyFuck 73 points 50 minutes ago Man will gladly brick 7 straight to hit one swish of absolute bull-shit arrogance. Idk what I'm saying but he was bad 勇士球迷:要想投进一球获得绝对自信心,他必须先连铁7个。 我都不知道自己在说啥,但他表现太拉了。 [–]HeatMySilverBurrito 42 points 45 minutes ago Man’s gonna have a 25pt game next week and talk shit about people criticising him shooting the Warriors out of games lmao 热火球迷:下礼拜克莱用一场25分的比赛回击批评他投篮带走比赛的质疑者。 [–]HeatMySilverBurrito [score hidden] 34 minutes ago lmao they're playing the Thunder twice soon and Rockets soon. 热火球迷:他们很快就要打两次雷霆和一次火箭。 [–]Netsdepressedpr0phet 86 points 53 minutes ago I’m bias as hell, but Claxton (free throws aside) has taken leaps every year. He’s a very skilled player 篮网球迷:我这个人看球偏见贼大,但克拉克斯顿(除了罚球)每年都有进步,他还是有技术的。 [–][GSW] Klay ThompsonTheBlueGuy0 73 points 57 minutes ago What a fucking choke job by Steph and Klay at the end wow 勇士球迷:最后时刻,水花兄弟合力拉胯,葬送好局,不可思议! [–]NBAaiden3buckets 35 points 56 minutes ago Klay took like 6 straight shots I swear 球迷:我发誓,克莱连扔了6个。 (关键时刻的库里) [–]CelticsiiTryhard 31 points an hour ago How you gonna let Klank take that shot for the game when you have the GOAT shooter? 凯尔特人球迷:当你们拥有史上最佳射手——斯蒂芬,怎么还让克铁匠频频出手拯救比赛呢? [–]NetsMysterii00 6 points 49 minutes ago Yeah everyone’s on Klay (and rightfully so), but Steph was struggling badly on the fourth too. 篮网球迷:是的,大家都在喷克莱(喷得没毛病),但库里末节也极其挣扎。 [–]Bullstaititans 68 points an hour ago The Warriors might actually be below average wtf is happening 公牛球迷:勇士或许真的低于平均水平,究竟发生了什么。 [–]WarriorsSrikkk 55 points 58 minutes ago Team just can’t keep it together for 48 minutes is what’s happening. They can only play high-level basketball for half the game, be that at the start or end of games. 勇士球迷:他们就是无法全场保持专注,他们只有一半时间打出高级别的比赛,除了开局和结束。 [–][SEA] Rashard LewisThebasedgod_lilb 35 points 54 minutes ago Unfortunately, that's the sign of a below average team 超音速球迷:不幸的是,这就是联盟中下游球队的标志。 [–]NetsTokennn 105 points an hour ago Kyrie and Claxton showing out again! 篮网球迷:欧文和克拉克斯顿再次挺身而出。 [–]NetsHelloItsMeXeno 58 points an hour ago HACK A CLAX AND STILL LOSE? LMAO!!! 篮网球迷:砍克拉克斯顿还输了?笑死我了。 [–][NJN] Kerry KittlesMostlyLostTraveler 25 points 59 minutes ago Clax had a great game and an even greater quote after the game. Clax on Royce: “He got big balls” 篮网球迷:克拉克斯顿不仅球打得好,赛后的发言也相当精彩。 他评价罗伊斯-奥尼尔:“他蛋蛋蛮大的。(他胆子大)” [–]k0ala_ 63 points an hour ago Kyrie was unreal 球迷:欧神仙下凡。 [–]oyen_13 [score hidden] 46 minutes ago Cooked Klay’s defense like 2016 球迷:欧文视克莱的防守宛若16年重现。 来源:Reddit 编译:Fontaine |
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