(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA常规赛,76人105-98战胜爵士。 双方关键球员数据: 76人:恩比德59分11篮板8助攻7盖帽1抢断,马克西18分3篮板3助攻4抢断1盖帽,哈里斯8分6篮板2助攻,塔克0分1篮板1助攻1抢断,塞布尔2分6篮板2助攻5抢断1盖帽,梅尔顿6分6篮板2助攻1盖帽,尼昂5分2篮板1抢断1盖帽,哈雷尔4分2篮板1盖帽。 爵士:马尔卡宁15分10篮板,奥里尼克14分6篮板1助攻1抢断,范德比尔特9分10篮板3助攻,克拉克森12分5篮板3助攻1盖帽,康利3分1篮板8助攻,比斯利18分4篮板2助攻,塞克斯顿15分2篮板1助攻,霍顿-塔克7分1篮板5助攻,凯斯勒2分9篮板3盖帽。 相关新闻:绝无仅有!恩比德成为NBA历史首位单场50分10板5助5帽球员 [–]Bucksrandyrectem 2 points 2 hours ago Legendary carry job Embiid 59 points on 28 shots. The rest of the team 46 points on 55 shots. 雄鹿球迷:恩比德28次出手暴砍59分,其余人55次出手怒得46分! [–]simon2105 50 points 4 hours ago MVPiid has come knocking 球迷:乔尔-MVP德来了! [–]76ers2n20 15 points 4 hours ago I would have given a kidney to be at this game. 76人球迷:早知道,我就是噶个肾也要去现场看比赛! [–]RaptorsKingREX_24 296 points 2 hours ago* What a herculean effort by Embiid, near 60 point triple double. 猛龙球迷:几乎60分准三双,恩比德又高又硬! [–]KingsThe-lord-jeebus 38 points 2 hours ago Near 60 point quadruple double you could say 国王球迷:你该说是差一点60分准四双! [–][MIA] Greg OdenBlueberryGummies 8 points 2 hours ago it was a near 60 point quadruple double. 1 more point, 2 more assists, 3 more blocks.Hell 热火球迷:多拿1分2助攻3盖帽,那就是60分四双!牛大发了! [–][UTA] Mike ConleySometimesIComplain 222 points 3 hours ago* Jesus, man. That's one of the greatest performances I've ever seen. Just nothing we could do to stop him 爵士球迷:恩比德超神了!这是我看过的最佳表现之一,我们就是防不住他! [–][PHI] Jumaine Jonesronaldo119 56 points 4 hours ago Embiid had 26 of the team's 27 points in the 4th lmao 76人球迷:76人队第四节共27分,恩比德个人26分!笑不活了! [–]76ersEaglesnSixers 35 points 4 hours ago Joel just dragged this team across the finish line with no help 76人球迷:恩比德挽狂澜于既倒! [–]Sunssenor_zanjeer 17 points 4 hours ago Joel really scored 59 pts just so the sixers keep Doc 太阳球迷:恩比德扶老里之将倾! [–][PHI] Jumaine Jonesronaldo119 145 points 3 hours ago Embiid has 101 points in the last 2 days.... 76人球迷:过去两天,恩比德砍下101分! [–][PHI] Robert Covingtonsjekky 192 points 3 hours ago Joel and PJ have combined for 103 points in the last 27 hours 76人球迷:恩比德和塔克在过去的27小时里合砍103分! [–]elephantscarter 23 points 3 hours ago More like 26.5 hours if we’re being pedantic 球迷:严谨一点,是26.5小时! [–]JCSeegars54 52 points 3 hours ago Respect pjs greatness 球迷:塔克牛皮! [–]RaptorsWiseguyD 18 points 4 hours ago* no wonder he's injury prone how much does PJ Tucker weigh? Joel's carrying that on his back all game. 猛龙球迷:容易受伤这不能怪恩比德,塔克多重啊?恩比德整场比赛是背着塔克在打呢! [–]76ersfishiouscycle 256 points 3 hours ago This is what Joel waking up and choosing violence looks like 76人球迷:大地回春,复辟称帝! [–]76ers2n20 22 points 4 hours ago With the help the Embiid got this game, I think I could have been the 6ers 6th man 76人球迷:恩比德这样的发挥,我也能打76人队的第六人! [–]Theballharperhit 2 points 4 hours ago Joel just beat an nba team by himself lmfao. Tobias was complete ass tonight and maxey wasnt far behind. I am more worried about maxey without harden though... maxey since harden has gone down is our worst starter outside of tucker. 球迷:恩比德凭一己之力战胜了一支球队!哈里斯今晚,就是废翔的感觉。马克西也差不多!没有哈登,我更担心马克西。毕竟,哈登受伤以后,马克西是塔克之外表现最差的首发! [–]NBANiceguydan8 3 points 4 hours ago Obviously Embiid was fucking incredible. Maxey put up another stinker tonight. He's been really rough since Harden got injured. Definitely think that's a bit concerning. 球迷:恩比德的优秀瞎子可见!马克西又是糟糕的一天!哈登受伤以来,暴露出他真的太糙了。真的为此感到焦虑! [–]CelticsEagleOfDeathMetal 2 points 4 hours ago Harris is so trash, worst contract in the NBA 凯尔特人球迷:哈里斯垃圾,他的合同是NBA最垃圾的合同! [–]EaglesPvM 20 points 5 hours ago I love how they can rip on each other. Ben would retire if Maxey said that about him 球迷:我喜欢他们可以这样互相开玩笑。如果马克西对西蒙斯说了这样的话,他肯定脱下球衣,立地退役! 相关新闻:恩比德说自己丢太多罚球 马克西打趣:你真烂 [–]JazzFoesiesBtw 80 points 3 hours ago That man is a fucking monster. Carried my fantasy team. I'm not even mad. Holy shit 爵士球迷:恩比德太残暴了,打败了我的梦幻爵士,我居然不生气。没招啊 [–]JazzFoesiesBtw 100 points 3 hours ago I know right. I felt lucky just witnessing that game lmao. Nothing in basketball feels as good as when a player is just in the fuckin zone 爵士球迷:你说的对!能见证这么一场比赛也是一种幸运!比赛中有球员超神发挥,输赢就没那么重要了。 [–]grapplebaby -1 points 5 hours ago 24 Freethrows?! 球迷:24次罚球?! [–]HawksChipmunkConspiracy 652 points 2 hours ago That’s simply what it takes to defeat the Utah Jazz 老鹰球迷:也只有这样才能击败爵士了 [–]Jazzcoldviper18 202 points 3 hours ago I mean, can you really be mad about losing a game like that after that ridiculous performance? 爵士球迷:我想说,看到有这么疯狂的表现,你们真的还会因为输球不开心吗? [–]WizardsTurbo2x 26 points 2 hours ago if Sexton didn't try to make that layup over Embiid when he had Lauri running hard right behind him then they could have mounted a comeback at the very end. horrible decision-making. 奇才球迷:如果塞克斯顿在恩比德的防守下不是选择上篮,而是传给身后的马尔卡宁,爵士最后是有机会的。糟糕的选择! [–]Jazzprogopro 20 points 3 hours ago We could have subbed in Walker Kessler I dont know why Hardy didn't 爵士球迷:我们本该让凯斯勒上场的,不知道为什么主教练哈迪没换。 [–][PHI] Joel EmbiidCrAppyF33ling 8 points 3 hours ago Danny Ainge tried his best to break it all up and get Vic too. 76人球迷:安吉为了改变现状和文班亚马,真的尽力了! [–]76ersmister1986 10 points an hour ago Our defense (outside of Embiid) was completely pathetic. We left guys wide open and had terrible rotations. If their guys hit tough shots well sometimes that happens and you have to live with it, but this was just terrible effort. Fucking fire Doc already 76人球迷:除了恩比德,全队防守太烂了,给爵士队太多空位机会,轮转也很糟糕。如果真的是你防到位,对手还能投进,那只能认了。可我们的防守真的太烂。里弗斯赶紧下课! 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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