(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 勇士球星追梦格林因在贝弗利播客上再次谈论“打普尔”事件,而被普尔父亲发推怒喷,以及今日被假推特账号诱骗喷加内特,成为近两天的热门话题人物。美国网友也在国外论坛上对追梦的一些列行为进行了“客观友善”的讨论,如下是小编整理的部分美网友评论,供吧友们下饭。 [1] 新闻链接>>>>>>追梦再谈拳击普尔事件:事情不是瞬间发生的 有些底线你必须坚守 [–]InevitableBudget510 265 points 7 hours ago Dray need to stop talking about this shit and move on. In the middle of dog days for the nba and now everybody gonna talk about this 勇士球迷:追梦得把嘴闭上,赶紧去干点正事儿吧,在NBA休赛期闲得没事干说这破事儿干嘛,所有人正愁找不到乐子下饭,你这不是往别人的碗里跳吗? [–]Ok-Roof-978 171 points 6 hours ago Dray should stfu already !! Poole is gone. Management chose him. Move on already. He's supposed to be a "leader" and "intelligent" 勇士球迷:闭上你他妈的臭嘴吧,追梦!!普尔都已经走人啦!!管理层选了你!!该满意了向前看吧!!!尽做一些跟“领袖”、“导师”不沾边的破事儿!!! [–]rainbow_explorer 40 points 4 hours ago Let’s be real. Draymond Green isn’t a leader. He’s literally said out loud that he didn’t even try to play good basketball when Steph and Klay got injured for the season. He had the opportunity to show what type of leader he was and he said he wasn’t motivated because he knew they had no chance to win. 勇士球迷:现实点吧同志们…追梦算个哪门子领袖,就是嗓门儿大一点而已…库里和克莱双双受伤缺阵的那个赛季,他根本就没想好好打球,本来那是一次大好的机会,可以向外界好好展现下他有怎样独特的领袖气质…可他倒好,说自己打球提不起劲儿,因为他还没打就知道自己输定了… [–]Menace2Killa 22 points 4 hours ago Steph is the real leader of this team, Steph is a leader by being an example, he is not a Lebron type of leader who voices out 勇士球迷:库里才是勇士的真正领袖,他以行为榜样的方式领导球队,库里的领袖风格和詹姆斯不一样,后者善于用说话的方式领导球队。 [–]-qft 1 point an hour ago Draymond being this team's leader is the stupidest lie about the Warriors 勇士球迷:“追梦是勇士队的领袖”这种屁话只有脑残晚期、傻逼细胞扩散到全身的人才信… [–]Produceher 22 points 6 hours ago If he was a leader, he wouldn't have wasted last year and fixed this. 勇士球迷:追梦要真是个领袖,他和普尔情感破裂都一整年了,连一针都没想着去缝补一下? [–]Karnaeq 151 points 7 hours ago I wish Dray would stop trying to justify his actions. Love him on our team, 2nd most important player on our team. But he needs to stop talking and blaming Poole for his actions. I am glad Poole is off the team for basketball reasons but he has handled things in a mature and professional manner and I respect him for that. 勇士球迷:希望追梦不要再给自己洗白了…虽然作为球队第二重要的人物,他能留下来真的很棒,但是他最好不要再去责伤普尔了…反观普尔,尽管从篮球的角度看,他离开勇士是件好事,不过他始终以成熟且职业的方式处理“被追梦打”这件事儿,就冲这,我对他就相当地敬佩!! [–]EffinCroissant 12 points 4 hours ago Dude is a textbook Narcissist. He’s not sorry for his actions, on the contrary, discussing the punch fuels his ego. Bullies like Dray pick their battles. When Tristan slapped the taste out his mouth he was quick to apologize. 勇士球迷:追梦是只教科书般的自恋狂!你以为他会为自己的行为自责吗?恰恰相反!他对自己打普尔这事儿可是津津乐道,因为谈论这事儿能激发他的自我存在感!欺软怕硬的人就是这个样子,专挑软柿子捏!反观之前特里斯坦-汤普森扇得追梦满地找牙,事后追梦一刻不敢等,追着给人家道歉呢… 注:2018年总决赛上,追梦和TT在场上有发生过冲突。之后的休赛期,二人在夜店相遇,追梦想就总决赛冲突向TT道歉,但TT未领情,随后二人发生口角并升级为肢体冲突,TT还打了追梦的脸。 (2018年总决赛,追梦和TT的冲突) [–]-qft 1 point an hour ago Draymond didn't want any of Beef Stew either lmao. Only way he's winning a battle against guys bigger is hitting them in the nuts when they don't expect it (i.e Steven Adams and LeBron). Or slashing their eyes (I lost count how many times he did this) 勇士球迷:追梦这小子压根就不敢惹硬骨头的,哈哈哈!!只有趁对方不注意的时候踢人家的蛋蛋(心疼亚当斯和老詹)或者戳人家的眼睛(我都数不清有多少受害者了),他才能占得上风!! (追梦踢蛋亚当斯) |
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