键盘侠|很高兴能再看老詹打季后赛 水拉狼队真核 华子是湖人领袖
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA附加赛,湖人队108-102战胜森林狼队。 双方关键球员数据: 湖人队:詹姆斯30分10篮板6助攻1抢断2盖帽,戴维斯24分15篮板4助攻2抢断3盖帽,施罗德21分4篮板2助攻1抢断,里夫斯12分6篮板3助攻,拉塞尔2分3篮板8助攻1抢断1盖帽,范德比尔特0分3篮板1助攻1抢断1盖帽,小特洛伊-布朗2分4篮板2助攻,八村塁12分2篮板1助攻,比斯利5分1篮板。 森林狼队:唐斯24分11篮板5助攻3盖帽,康利23分4篮板4助攻3抢断1盖帽,凯尔-安德森12分5篮板13助攻4抢断4盖帽,普林斯14分3篮板3抢断,爱德华兹9分8篮板5助攻1抢断1盖帽,亚历山大-沃克9分8篮板5助攻1抢断,诺威尔9分1篮板1助攻。 [–]SpursMakeAShadow 203 points 4 hours ago I’m honestly just excited to see LeBron in the playoffs at least one more time. Despite how well he’s still playing, he ain’t got many years left folks. 马刺球迷:说真的,很高兴能再次看到詹姆斯打季后赛!不管他现在打得多好,他能打的时间都不会太长了,且看且珍惜! [–]42Vert 596 points 3 hours ago Its honestly pathetic how this team plays down the stretch. 球迷:这支球队在关键时刻打得太烂了! [–][OKC] Andre Robersonjglab 584 points 3 hours ago Which one? 雷霆球迷:你说的是哪支? [–]LakersOfOak 667 points 3 hours ago Yes 湖人球迷:唉,是我! [–]Timberwolvespinkconcretebubbles 41 points 3 hours ago Yes 森林狼球迷:不对,是我! [–]Thee_Cat_Butthole 60 points 2 hours ago BREAKING NEWS: Lakers and Timberwolves under investigation for tanking the play-in tournament 球迷:重磅新闻:湖人队和森林狼队因为在附加赛中摆烂而被调查! 死因:看湖人比赛 [–]Lakersmessydoughut 1801 points 3 hours ago I’m convinced both teams tried to lose this game 湖人球迷:我敢肯定,两支球队是都不想赢! [–]ThunderiCarpet 1058 points 2 hours ago All this just to avoid Dillon Brooks 雷霆球迷:一定都是怕了狄龙-布鲁克斯! [–]Evan_Great 22 points 4 hours ago That 3 from Schroeder was like the first I’ve seen LeBron pass up a last shot and the teammate actually make it 球迷:我看过的比赛里,施罗德命中的那记三分,应该是詹姆斯在关键时刻传出来的球,第一次队友能够命中的。 [–]KOBETheLivest1 15 points 4 hours ago Thank you Dennis Schroder 科比球迷:小黑,谢谢你! [–]LakersJayveesac 595 points 3 hours ago The Lakers should be forced to do inbound drills for six hours 湖人球迷:湖人全队都应该留下来加练6小时边线球发球! [–]NBArainbow0o 215 points 3 hours ago AD should be forced to not to foul three point shooters 球迷:戴维斯应该罚抄“不要在三分线外犯规”一千遍! [–]WarriorsCurrymvp2 519 points 3 hours ago A truly generational performance by Anthony Edwards to lead the Lakers to the playoffs 勇士球迷:爱德华兹带领湖人杀入季后赛,本场比赛堪称经典! [–]LakersNG95___ 379 points 3 hours ago Even though it resulted in a loss, D’Lo’s performance for the Wolves was also incredibly clutch. Some players are just built for the limelight 湖人球迷:虽然森林狼输了,但拉塞尔的表现依然耀眼!有些人的光芒注定无法被掩盖! [–]glaceon___ 37 points an hour ago Dlo is one of the most inefficient and overrated players of our time 球迷:拉塞尔是目前最低效最被高估的球员之一! [–]Lakershansislegend 13 points an hour ago How is he overrated when everyone regularly says he’s trash? 湖人球迷:所有人都叫他水拉,哪里来的浮夸? [–]Thundertopofthecc 624 points 2 hours ago Conley: on fire, clutch FTs, brilliant defensive plays The other TWolves: barfing, shitting themselves, crying 雷霆球迷:迈克-康利:火力全开,关键罚球,防守出色;康利的队友:令人作呕,依托答辩,神愁鬼哭。 [–]BullsIMKudaimi123 2282 points 3 hours ago In the last 11 minutes of game time, the wolves scored 7(!) points 公牛球迷:比赛最后的11分钟里,森林狼仅得到7分! [–]Timberwolvesottersbelike 673 points 3 hours ago Good effort without 3 starters- Gobert, McDaniels, and Anthony Edwards 森林狼球迷:打成这样不错了,毕竟少了三个首发:戈贝尔,麦克丹尼尔斯和爱德华兹! [–]NBArainbow0o 49 points 3 hours ago two boxers and an ant 球迷:两个拳击手和一包软华子! [–]Magicpedrosa18 59 points an hour ago Punching walls, punching teammates 魔术球迷:对墙壁重拳出击,打队友不遗余力! [–]James HardenFragileCilantro 252 points 3 hours ago Wolves were horrendous at the end *they didn't attack LeBron who was in foul trouble *they stopped running plays at the end of the 4th for some reason *ant was invisible out there 哈登球迷:比赛最后阶段森林狼拉胯的原因:1.没有针对有犯规麻烦的老詹;2.第四节没有了跑动;3.爱德华兹隐身。 [–]LakersLogansam1986 172 points 3 hours ago Lakers also didn't attack KAT.Sportsmanship 湖人球迷:湖人也没有追着唐斯打啊!主打的就是爱与和平! [–]TimberwolvesSmellyJellyfish 901 points 3 hours ago We had 26 assists through the first three quarters. We had 4 assists in the 4th quarter and OT. Just stopped running an offense whatsoever, everyone was just fucking standing around 森林狼球迷:前三节有26次助攻,第四节和加时才4次助攻。突然就没了跑动,都TM成了杵桩王! [–]TimberwolvesSmellyJellyfish 277 points 3 hours ago Part of it was KAT being on the bench with foul trouble, I think the guys were likely getting tired as well. But that’s no excuse to stop moving at all. We played to not lose instead of playing to win, and it bit us in the ass like it always does. 森林狼球迷:一部分原因就是唐斯因为犯规麻烦不能上场,而且球员们也都累了。但也不能因此就不跑战术啊!打比赛的时候不想着去赢,光想着不输,这样的心态要不得! [–]TimberwolvesSmellyJellyfish 137 points 3 hours ago KAT stopped playing aggressively at all after he got his 5th foul. He had a good game overall but just disappeared when we needed him most, because he was too scared to foul out 森林狼球迷:唐斯在5犯之后在场上畏首畏尾,总体来说他打得不错了。只是因为害怕犯满毕业,所以在球队需要他的时候没能站出来! [–]TimberwolvesThimit22 3 points 2 hours ago Lot of Wolves fans knew we had to shoot lights out and keep KAT out of foul trouble to win this one. Underrated part of having Gobert was sharing those fouls 森林狼球迷:很多狼迷都知道,想赢下这场比赛,我们除了要投开还要让唐斯避免犯规麻烦。戈贝尔存在的很重要的价值,就是帮唐斯分担守护禁区时的犯规数。 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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