(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA常规赛,快船队125-118战胜湖人队。 双方关键球员数据: 湖人队:詹姆斯33分8篮板7助攻1抢断1盖帽,戴维斯17分11篮板3助攻1抢断2盖帽,里夫斯20分4篮板2助攻,拉塞尔15分3篮板7助攻,范德比尔特8分6篮板1助攻1抢断,小特洛伊-布朗6分3篮板1助攻,八村塁4分3篮板,加布里埃尔6分4篮板2助攻1抢断,施罗德2分1篮板4助攻,比斯利7分1篮板。 快船队:莱昂纳德25分7篮板4助攻,威斯布鲁克14分3篮板4助攻1抢断1盖帽,鲍威尔27分2篮板4助攻2抢断1盖帽,祖巴茨17分13篮板1助攻2抢断1盖帽,巴图姆5分2篮板1助攻2抢断1盖帽,戈登9分3篮板3助攻1抢断,海兰德14分2篮板4助攻1抢断,曼恩10分3篮板2助攻,普拉姆利4分3篮板。 输人队 [–]NBAaiden3buckets 879 points 3 hours ago The Los Angeles Lakers have now lost 11 straight games to the Los Angeles Clippers NBA球迷:洛杉矶湖人对洛杉矶快船已经11连败! [–]simon2105 368 points 3 hours ago Russell Westbrook sends his regards. 球迷:威少发来贺电! [–]NBAArmandNinja 370 points 3 hours ago Lebron had 3 points at half time then was unstoppable in the 2nd half scoring 30 points and it felt like he missed only 2 shots lmao NBA球迷:詹姆斯半场只得3分,但下半场的他不可阻挡,砍下30分!下半场好像只投丢2个球! [–]Grizzliesislandmoneygame 43 points 3 hours ago He played like he was 38 in the first half and played like he was 28 in the second half. 灰熊球迷:上半场的他就像真的38岁了,下半场的他打得像28岁! [–]JetGan 10 points an hour ago The oldest guy on the team looked like he was the youngest tonight smh 球迷:队有一老,如有……,却最能跑,唉…… [–]PistonsYuuta23 2 points an hour ago If bron just scores 10 in the first half they prob win this game 活塞球迷:但凡老詹上半场得10分,他们都有可能赢下比赛! 不管怎样我都让你打40分钟 [–]Australiashittydotamorph 1 point an hour ago Powell cooked Schroeder repeatedly 澳大利亚球迷:鲍威尔一次次地支配施罗德! [–][LAL] Nick Van ExelAstroCoffee 3 points 2 hours ago Norman Powell getting a superstar whistle was not what I anticipated today. He was great though 湖人球迷:万万没想到,鲍威尔都能得到巨星哨!不过,他打得确实好! [–]Rocketsletjmomcook 1 point 2 hours ago y’all anticipate Austin Reaves getting a superstar whistle every night tho lmfao 火箭球迷:你们倒是想让里夫斯每场都得到巨星哨,真是好笑! [–]LakersPervySageCS -3 points 2 hours ago I hate foul baiting, but Austin Reaves can at least square to the basket when baiting and fucking get a shot. Powel just jumps in the air and does a "cart wheel" pose, hoping for a call. What a clown. 湖人球迷:我讨厌骗犯规,但里夫斯在造犯规时至少是真的在投篮。鲍威尔就是跳起来做个投篮动作等哨子,真是丑陋! [–]ClippersJimmyV034 7 points 2 hours ago justify a foul baiter and clown on another foul baiter, typical lakers fan 快船球迷:你造犯规有理有据,我造犯规不可理喻,驰名双标! [–]CelticsKYRIE542 10 points 2 hours ago AD turning into Clint Capela was not what I anticipated today. He wasn’t great at all. 凯尔特人球迷:万万没想到,戴维斯打得像卡佩拉一样!他打得是真不好! [–]Lakersmagna77 4 points an hour ago Ty Lue “zubac gonna guard him 1v1”. Last until the first jump ball. 湖人球迷:卢指导说让祖巴茨单防戴维斯,跳球时确实是这样的! [–]SupersonicsFreezersAndWeezers 581 points 2 hours ago Greatest coaches in LA basketball history:Ty Lue vs the Lakers 超音速球迷:打湖人时的泰伦-卢,我愿称之为洛杉矶篮球史上最伟大的教练! [–]Clippersge0rgew0nder 76 points 2 hours ago Lol, even doc looked like Pat Riley when he coached us against the lakers 快船球迷:这有啥,里弗斯带快船打湖人的时候都像莱利一样牛X! [–][LAC] Chris PaulClippersStrippers 69 points 2 hours ago He played fine for being doubled all game. The rest of your team sucked. 快船球迷:全场被包夹的浓眉打得不错了,但其他人真的太拉! [–]Lakersiamdare 15 points 2 hours ago the coach sucked too 湖人球迷:头孢教练也该骂! 我TM也不知道我在干什么 [–]Lakerslannistargaryen 196 points 4 hours ago* Darvin Ham Masterclass Watched Zubac make multiple easy baskets with no rim protection Watched Wenyen struggle defending anybody + shooting ill-advised threes Let Schroeder be a non-factor Didn’t bother to try and play Bamba Always call a timeout when the other team’s run has passed I’m not on the fire Ham train but I’m really concerned that we might get out-coached in the Playoffs if we make it. That’s the worst way to lose imo 湖人球迷:哈姆教练高级操作:1.没有护筐,眼看着祖巴茨在内线予取予求;2.眼看着加布里埃尔防守万人捅又三分投不中;3.任由施罗德XJBD;4.根本不考虑用班巴;5.当对手得分高潮结束后叫暂停。 我不赞成哈姆下课,但我又真的担心进入季后赛的话,在教练位置上可能被对手完胜。如果因为教练导致最终输球,那绝对是最窝囊的输球方式! [–]LakersViva_La_Animemes 45 points 4 hours ago “Might get outcoached”Lol 湖人球迷:你甚至觉得对手教练只是有可能完胜,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 [–]LakersG1Spectrum[S] 46 points 2 hours ago FUCK THIS GUY I SWEAR 湖人球迷:我真想和他拉近一下关系! 可不能怪我! [–]WarriorsDaconvix 765 points 2 hours ago That kd vs russ 1st round series bouta go crazy 勇士球迷:季后赛首轮威少遇KD,一定很刺激! [–]ThunderRemarkable_Arm9153 312 points 2 hours ago Russ gonna try and turn back the clock to cook KD 雷霆球迷:威少聊发少年狂,对KD,有底气! [–]Nuggetspenguin_torpedo 14 points 3 hours ago Westbrook caught up in the moment trying to prove himself is Worstbrook. 掘金球迷:威斯布鲁克想证明自己的时候就会变成危斯布鲁克! [–]Spurspfthr0w 226 points 3 hours ago Have to be careful KD might go back to the Warriors if Russ cooks him too bad 马刺球迷:如果威少真淘汰了KD,他再回勇士怎么办? [–]Clippersmvpmvh 48 points 3 hours ago If he lost to Russ and the clippers, wouldn't the next hardest road be.... joining the clippers? 快船球迷:如果太阳真输给了快船,那下一个最艰难的选择,不应该是加盟快船吗? 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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