(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [赛后贴]金州勇士队(40-37)120-109战胜新奥尔良鹈鹕队(38-38) 双方数据 鹈鹕(38-38):英格拉姆26分8板7助、琼斯13分6板4助2断、瓦兰丘纳斯11分9板5助、麦科勒姆15分3助、墨菲21分3板3助2帽、南斯8分6板。 勇士(40-37):库里39分8板8助3断、D-格林8分6板12助2断、库明加13分4板、克莱17分2板2断、普尔21分5板2助、迪文岑佐13分7板。 [–]ikatatlo 69 points 4 hours ago* Watching the 2023 Warriors is not for the faint of heart. Damn, my heart is still racing lol. Love how our future in JK and JP carried the start of the 4th and then Curry taking over in the last 4min. Just beautiful. But all this was because of Looney he damn stabilized us with multiple possessions with his rebounding both oreb and dreb. We stopped the Pels getting multiple looks and put some stops. In the center of that is Looney.通,完了再琢磨一下,今天要不要赢这场球呢? 勇士球迷:如果你是心脏脆弱的奇人易逝,我劝你别看勇士的球,妈的现在我的心还砰砰跳呢,哈哈哈~看我们球队的未来库明加和普尔carry末节前段,太香~再看库里接管最后四分钟,绝妙~ 但是这一切都得先归功于卢尼,他他娘的可抢下好几个进攻篮板和防守篮板,帮助球队稳住了局面,接着勇士抓住了几个关键的机会并防下鹈鹕进攻,卢尼就是这一切的核心! [–]TheRealSlumShedy 24 points 4 hours ago Game thread from today was so fucking bad the first hour. So many fucking bandwagons. GREAT FUCKING WIN TO SHUT EVERYONE THE FUCK UP. LFG DUB NATION 勇士球迷:这场比赛的第一个小时,的评论区环境简直是脏乱差,滋生出一大片墙头草!赢得真他妈好!把黑子们嘴都堵得死死的!冲啊,勇士队! [–]BandOfBroskis 7 points 4 hours ago I admit, I was about to drink despondently around half time. I was fucking sad, y’all. What a second half. Please be the turning point we are all aching for! 勇士球迷:说实话,我当时已经打算拿酒把自己灌成烂泥了,太伤了啊兄弟们~不过下半场太牛逼了!这场比赛就作为这赛季的转折点吧! [–]Comfortable-Asf 6 points 4 hours ago Feel bad for bro who was staying up til 4:30 am at half watching the game and everyone told him to go to sleep |
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