(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [赛后贴]洛杉矶快船队127-105战胜俄克拉荷马雷霆队 双方数据 快船(39-35):莱昂纳德32分6板6助4断、威少24分2板7助、曼恩14分4板3助、海兰德16分4板7助、祖巴茨6分10板2帽、戈登8分3板2助、普拉姆利2分7板、小莫里斯分4板3助、巴图姆12分2板3助2断 雷霆(36-37):亚历山大30分4板3助3帽、杰伦-威廉姆斯16分3板4助、杰林-威廉姆斯8分9板4助2断、基迪18分3板4助、多特3分6板2助2断、沃特斯6分2板、吉昂9分4板 [–][LAC] Kawhi Leonardwordscannotdescribe 33 points an hour ago Kawhi was mad about the ending of the last game lol 快船球迷:看来上一场对阵雷霆的比赛,让小卡很是生气啊,哈哈~ [–]ClippersSSJAbh1nav 6 points an hour ago Bro was on a mission tonight 快船球迷:卡哥今晚可是提着刀来的! [–]ClippersRandomNoobda 5 points an hour ago Kawhi took revenge for the last game for PG. 快船球迷:他前来替那晚“牺牲”的泡椒报仇! [–]ThunderObjectitan 52 points an hour ago I NEVER want to be on the opposite side of a Kawhi revenge game again. Get that bad bad man away from me. 雷霆球迷:不敢了不敢了!再也不跟小卡作对了!来人啊,快把我抬走!!离这个大恶人越远越好!! [–]Clippersnbtrainor21 51 points an hour ago Kawhi what the fuck 快船球迷:小卡啊!你他妈在干…干得真好!! [–]NuggetsAbsol61 9 points an hour ago DoRtuRe CHamBer 掘金球迷:小卡把多特带进了审讯室,一通蹂躏! [–]ChickenFeetJob 6 points an hour ago I think Kawhi updated his AI program. Not surprising seeming how the AI field is booming recently. I mean how else do you explain that 13/15 球迷:这部取名卡哇伊的机器,最近升级了内部AI程序,这是显而易见的事情。当今世界智能科技蓬勃发展,在智能机器人领域能有如此建树也在意料之中~我编…说这个事,仅针对小卡今晚15投13中的离谱行为,给大伙儿一个合情合理的解释~ [–][OKC] Russell WestbrookEffective-Ability-89 53 points an hour ago* Westbrook really stepped up without PG, hopefully Clippers can hold the fort to end the season Kawhii was on Godmode tonight And the bench just shot lights out 雷霆威少球迷:泡椒缺阵之下,威少挺身而出!希望快船可以守住阵地直到常规赛结束!而且小卡今晚切换到了杀神模式,快船替补也都杀疯啦~ [–]ClippersShukiNathan 48 points an hour ago You know it's bad when westbrook shoots 50% from 3 快船球迷:可不是么~当威少投出50%的三分命中率时,那必定大事不好! [–]ClippersSuckMyLonzoBalls 16 points an hour ago Didn’t watch much did we have a good Westbrook game? 快船球迷:我没怎么看比赛,今晚威少打得好吗? [–]ClippersShukiNathan 18 points 1 hour ago Oh yea definitely 快船球迷:那是当然啦~ [–]NBAEasyMoney92 57 points an hour ago Westbrook seems very happy 球迷:威少看上去很开心诶~ [–]Clippersmasterfain 22 points an hour ago It's funny watching him actually be happy vs. trying to be happy with the lakers. 快船球迷:威少在快船真的开心 VS 他在湖人努力让自己开心,有点意思~~~ [–]vik-ram-8_4 13 points an hour ago It's genuinely nice to see westbrook happy with a team that wants him. Good to see him 球迷:看到威少为给真正需要他的球队打球而开心,真的很欣慰~太好啦~ [–]ThunderSauce4243 4 points an hour ago Of the teams that have had him only one has been unhappy with him 雷霆球迷:所有曾经拥有过威少的那些球队中,只有那!支!球!队!对他心怀不满… [–]WarriorsGuestBadge 6 points an hour ago 4 teams in the west have the same record. Dallas, Laker, Pelicans and OKC. They should add 2 other teams for the play in and make it another mini playoffs at this point. 勇士球迷:现在西部有四支球队的战绩是一样的,独行侠、湖人、鹈鹕和雷霆。联盟应该再增加两支球队到附加赛区,搞一个迷你季后赛啊~ 新闻链接>>>>>> |
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