(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) [Post Game Thread] The Philadelphia 76ers (41-22) defeat the Milwaukee Bucks (45-18), 133-130. 赛后贴:费城76人(41胜22负)133-130战胜密尔沃基雄鹿(45胜18负) 双方数据 雄鹿(45-18):字母哥34分13板4助,大洛佩斯26分6板4助,霍勒迪26分4板13助,阿伦20分3板3助,康诺顿1分2板,米德尔顿6分3板,英格尔斯5分3板,波蒂斯7分5板,卡特3分3板3助,克劳德2分。 76人(41-22):哈登38分9板10助,恩比德31分6板10助,马克西26分3板,哈里斯3分2板伤退,塔克2分2板,尼昂16分,梅尔顿5分2板,麦克丹尼尔斯8分2板,里德4分4板。 Palifaith Lakers 2 hr. ago As a neutral fan, I wouldn't mind a 7 game series between these two teams. 湖人球迷:我中立,我不介意雄鹿和76人打个7场 c_ray25 Bucks 2 hr. ago I wish I was a neutral fan to enjoy this matchup a bit more 雄鹿球迷:我也希望自己中立,这样就能享受这场对决了 Superflissbro Bucks 2 hr. ago It's kinda crazy how both teams haven't had a playoff series since the ECF in 2001 雄鹿球迷:没想到吧,雄鹿和76人上次相遇还是01年的东决 dark-flamessussano 1 hr. ago Almost got it but Ben simmons got scared by trae young 球迷:前两年不就差点打了吗,结果本西被特雷-杨吓到不敢上篮…… FultzShoulder 76ers 2 hr. ago Bucks lost with Giannis going 12/12 FTs in the 4th. James Harden carried that 4th. 76人球迷:字母末节12罚全中还输了,登哥末节carry了 wsbull_35 76ers 2 hr. ago We won this for that ladder 76人球迷:我们今天是为了梯子而战的 ranchsauce13 76ers 2 hr. ago Philly stadium workers crying tears of joy right now 76人球迷:费城球馆的工作人员现在喜极而泣 Vallerie_09 Warriors 2 hr. ago Harden can play post D. Even with an injured hammy against Bucks, the most he contributed was post D on Giannis 勇士球迷:哈登其实有低位防守的,腿筋受伤的他在打雄鹿时最大贡献就是低位防字母 ZonedV2 2 hr. ago Harden always locks up Giannis 球迷:哈登每次都能防死字母 GrapeJuicePlus 2 hr. ago People have been saying “vintage” James Harden all season…so wouldn’t it be fair to say it’s just…James Harden? 球迷:人们老说这赛季哈登回来了,其实哈登还是原来那个哈登 Otamurai Rockets 2 hr. ago HARGOAT 火箭球迷:登哥史上最佳 05ReggieBush 76ers 2 hr. ago I love James Harden and I understand why Rockets fans will forever root for him. Such a great floor general and playmaker. What a game. 76人球迷:我爱哈登,我理解火箭球迷永远支持他的原因了,很棒的球场指挥官和组织者 felece Rockets 2 hr. ago He gonna get you a ring this season and come back home to fix our dysfunctional mess 火箭球迷:他会给你们费城赢下一个冠军,然后回来火箭收拾残局 AWill109 Wizards 2 hr. ago Harden and Embiid looking like the best duo in the league down the stretch in this game 奇才球迷:哈登和恩比德看起来是关键时刻最好的二人组 SignificantTurnip6 Bucks 2 hr. ago Yep 100%. Middleton absolutely killed us in the 4th. Terrible defense on Harden and a bunch of stupid fouls. 雄鹿球迷:米德尔顿末节害死我们了,防不了哈登还赔上了犯规 rawchess Minneapolis Lakers 2 hr. ago Questionable coaching letting him pick up Harden instead of Jrue 湖人球迷:教练咋想的,应该让朱哥去防哈登啊 mikeroddick 76ers 2 hr. ago FUCK YO STREAK BITCH 76人球迷:去你们的16连胜 hawkman_jr 76ers 1 hr. ago Fuck yo All-Star voting 76人球迷:去你们的全明星投票 Kaameel 2 hr. ago Not a bad game from James NOT an All-star Harden 球迷:对普通球员哈登来说,这场表现不普通吧 texas2089 Mavericks 2 hr. ago Criminal he wasn’t an All Star 独行侠球迷:没让他进全明星就是犯罪啊 simon2105 2 hr. ago Vintage All Star James Harden is back baby! 球迷:明星级别的哈登又回来啦 Jordanwolf98 Celtics 2 hr. ago Shit that looked like vintage MVP Harden. He was the best player on either team 凯尔特人球迷:梦回MVP哈登,他是场上最佳球员 rawchess Lakers 2 hr. ago Giannis Q1-3: Greek Freak Giannis Q4: Baklava Biyombo 湖人球迷:前三节的字母是希腊怪胎,第四节的字母是比永博 AlarmedFriendship671 Vancouver Grizzlies 2 hr. ago Bucks 0-1 against the sixers post-ladder incident 灰熊球迷:梯子门事件后雄鹿0-1落后76人 SignificantTurnip6 Bucks 2 hr. ago 4th quarter Harden was nuts. Absolutely fucking cooked us. Middleton looked so lost trying to guard him. 雄鹿球迷:末节的哈登真是打疯了,他绝对打爆了我们,米德尔顿防不住他啊 nigsch01 Heat 2 hr. ago Giannis has a very limited bag and it showed tonight 热火球迷:字母的技能包不丰富啊,今天你就能看出来了 KangorKodos Nuggets 2 hr. ago Hey I just woke up from a 5 year coma. Is James Harden the best player of all time now? 掘金球迷:我昏迷了5年刚醒过来,请问哈登成为史上最佳了吗 来源:Reddit 编译:九五之猪 |
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