键盘侠|伤病替补进全明星的资格都没有 哈登是历史最不被尊重球员
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。) 【赛后贴】今日NBA常规赛,76人110-105战胜灰熊。 双方关键球员数据: 76人:恩比德27分19篮板6助攻6盖帽1抢断,哈登31分7篮板7助攻1抢断2盖帽,哈里斯20分4篮板2助攻1盖帽,塔克6分6篮板1助攻,马克西16分2篮板4助攻,尼昂5分1篮板1助攻,麦克丹尼尔斯3分3篮板,梅尔顿0分1篮板2助攻。 灰熊:莫兰特15分3篮板5助攻2抢断,贝恩25分8篮板2助攻,贾伦-杰克逊18分9篮板1助攻1抢断4盖帽,布鲁克斯11分5篮板2助攻,蒂尔曼8分12篮板2助攻,康查尔9分5篮板,阿尔达马6分1助攻。 76人球迷的心路:赛前:终于可以看最喜欢的球队比赛了!赛中:我为什么要看比赛呢?赛后:这也能赢! [–]Bucksamericanbeaver 89 points 6 hours ago This Memphis team absolutely loves throwing leads. 雄鹿球迷:灰熊真是不会打领先的比赛! [–]76ers420mm69 7 points 5 hours ago Sixers love blowing leads too 76人球迷:说的就跟76人会似的! [–]NBAItsKBS 260 points 7 hours ago What a fucking game, Harden and Embiid are insane NBA球迷:精彩的比赛,登哥牛,大帝硬! [–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 97 points 7 hours ago I know he had an awful shooting night but Embiid just had one of the best defensive performances I've seen in a long while. 勇士球迷:我知道恩比德今晚的投篮很糟糕,但他的防守是我很久以来见过最好的表现之一。 [–][HOU] James HardenR3A1xGhosT 21 points 7 hours ago Brooks might just be the biggest bum in the league lmfao. 火箭球迷:狄龙-布鲁克斯可能是联盟里最没用的球员了! [–]NBANiceguydan8 19 points 7 hours ago Man imagine talking a bunch of shit to Harden in the first quarter only to watch him cook for the next 3 quarters. NBA球迷:第一节对哈登说了多狠的话,后三节就挨了哈登多重的打! [–]LakersCul_what 3 points 7 hours ago James Harden was step backing 3s and hitting them hoes, what year is it? 湖人球迷:哈登运球,后撤步,三分命中,恍如隔世! [–]76ersxychosis 66 points 7 hours ago That corner stepback was unfucking believable. Houston Harden special. 76人球迷:底角那个后撤步三分简直难以置信,那是火箭登才有的表现啊! [–]fortniteaddict2 44 points 7 hours ago that shot was fucking crazy 球迷:那个球给我看酥了! [–]fortniteaddict2 387 points 7 hours ago plus a hustle play in the clutch to give the dunk to embiid 球迷:别忘了那个倒地拼抢,还顺势助攻恩比德暴扣! [–][HOU] James HardenSuperYusri500 39 points 7 hours ago Haven’t seen harden dive for a ball in YEARS lol 火箭球迷:可是很多年没见过登哥为了一个球权倒地了! [–]NBANiceguydan8 532 points 7 hours ago The best player tonight in a game with Joel Embiid and Ja Morant didn't even make the all-star game as an injury replacement. Harden was fucking awesome tonight NBA球迷:一场有恩比德和莫兰特的比赛,最佳球员却是连以伤病替补进全明星资格都没有的球员!啥也不说了,登哥牛X! [–]RocketsSammyshoez3420 253 points 7 hours ago Not even his biggest snub. Never forget he was snubbed All NBA averaging 29/6/7.5 He’s always been disrespected 火箭球迷:这都算小场面,别忘了场均29+6+7.5的哈登还没能入选最佳阵容呢! [–]Warriorsbuffalo8 32 points 6 hours ago He should have won MVP over Westbrook and anyone who disagrees can fight me… 勇士球迷:那年他绝对比威少更应该赢得MVP,不服来辩! [–]Jazzsteve-d 20 points 6 hours ago I hated Harden for years because he would destroy the Jazz during his years with the Rockets. The guy is one of the best players in NBA history. 爵士球迷:我讨厌哈登很久了!因为他在火箭那几年完虐爵士队,他绝对是NBA历史上最佳球员之一! [–]CelticsLordHussyPants 4 points 2 hours ago westbrook and giannis. he should have been a three time MVP 凯尔特人球迷:不止是威少,还有字母哥,哈登本应该拥有三座MVP奖杯! [–]PistonsSheeddontlie30 35 points 6 hours ago Honestly James Harden might be one of the most disrespected players of all time 活塞球迷:说真的,哈登可能是历史上最不被尊重的球员之一了! [–]76erspagonator 137 points 7 hours ago Only reason the game wasn’t a blowout in the first half and he was so nice in the clutch tonight 76人球迷:上半场比赛没被打趴下,就是因为有哈登在。最后的关键时刻也是超神表现! [–]SupersonicsThe_Sneakiest_Fox 3 points 4 hours ago Headband Harden is so fucking sexy. 超音速球迷:哈登戴发带,暴走收比赛! [–]76ersPyromania1983 318 points 6 hours ago Headband Harden needs to stay. 76人球迷:愿发带常在! [–]yourmothersfriend26 8 points 5 hours ago Anyone see the random nip slip during the 4th lol 球迷:有人看到第四节那个比哈里斯的三分更精彩的镜头吗?(这句翻译不对,但应该没错) [–]76ersFultzShoulder 147 points 6 hours ago Tobias with two clutch 3s is a rarity. He played well in that 4th quarter. Also is it just me or did that girl's tits pop out after Tobi hit a corner 3 to bring the lead down to 1? 76人球迷:托哈关键时刻进了两记三分,他第四节打得非常好!我不太确定啊,你说的是托哈投进那记将分差追至1分的三分之后的镜头吗? [–]NuggetsRS-Ironman-LuvGlove 3 points 4 hours ago I don’t believe Have a source? 掘金球迷:我错过了什么,图片在哪里?链接在哪里? [–]76ersFultzShoulder 96 points 5 hours ago Did some investigating and found this. 76人球迷:认真复盘,严谨求证,应该是这个↓ 来源:Reddit&Twitter 编译:前任城主 |
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